The foot

Foot injuries

The foot consists of many different bone pieces, these bone pieces together with muscles, capsule, nerves and blood vessels form the entire foot. As you can hear, there are many structures in the foot, these can also cause various complaints. Below you will find an overview of which complaints you may have.

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The Foot

The foot starts at the ankle joint (talocrural joint) and ends at the tip of the toes consisting of a total of 24 bones. The bones of the foot are connected through many joints and surrounded by various ligaments and muscles. This makes the foot a very complex part of the body. The foot can be divided in three areas; the rearfoot, midfoot and forefoot. Our feet allow us to stand, provide balance, act as shock absorbers to deal with the load of being upright all day and enables us to adapt to uneven terrain. There are many injuries that can affect the foot. For instance, wear and tear (osteoarthritis) of the talocrural or subtalar joints, damaged ligaments, torn soft tissue, pinched nerves or fractured bones. 

In short: due the complexity of the foot there are many different injuries that can occur. It is important to get an accurate diagnosis so treatment and exercises can be targeted to your specific injury.