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Acute low back pain

Acute low back pain is a common injury often described as ‘my back went’ or ‘I threw my back out’. Usually, there is a shooting pain in the back and an inability or great difficulty to get upright from a bend over position. Here you can find the exercises for acute low back pain.

Start now with exercises for acute low back painClick here for more information about low back pain.

1. Één been langer maken

15x • 3 sets

Ga op de rug liggen, zorg dat de knieën gestrekt blijven, duw vervolgens één been weg (maak één been langer dan de andere), wissel deze beweging af per been.

2. Knieën links rechts laten vallen

15x • 3 sets

Ga op de rug liggen, buig de knieën en zet de voeten op de grond, laat de benen langzaam naar rechts vallen en vervolgens naar links vallen.

3. Één been naar de borst

15x • 3 sets

Ga op de rug liggen, pak met de handen één been vast, trek deze vervolgens richting de borst, wissel de benen continue af.

4. Beide benen naar de borst

15x • 3 sets

Ga op de rug liggen, pak met de handen beide been vast, trek deze vervolgens richting de borst.

5. Kwispelen

15x • 3 sets

Neem plaats op handen en knieën, zet de benen iets uit elkaar, beweeg de billen naar links en naar rechts, wissel dit af.

6. Bekken kantelen

15x • 3 sets

Ga op de rug liggen, span de bekkenbodemspieren aan, kantel het bekken naar achteren toe, druk de onderrug tegen de bank aan. Kom weer terug naar een holle positie en herhaal dit.

7. Bruggetje maken

15x • 3 sets

Ga op de rug liggen, buig de knieën en zet de voeten op de grond, kantel het bekken naar achteren, span de buikspieren aan, kom vervolgens met de billen omhoog.

8. Bruggetje maken één been

15x • 3 sets

Ga op de rug liggen, buig de knieën en zet de voeten op de grond, kantel het bekken naar achteren, span de buikspieren aan, kom vervolgens met de billen omhoog. Strek vervolgens 1 been uit.

9. Superman

15x • 3 sets

Neem plaats op handen en knieën, zet de benen iets uit elkaar, breng vervolgens één been naar achteren en gekruist één arm naar voren.

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Here you can purchase a dumbell, elastic band and foam roller.

Elastic band

Stability. Resistance. Various.

Hier kan men elastieken kopen om mee te oefenen.

The meaning of acute low back pain

Acute low back pain is a common injury often described as ‘my back went’ or ‘I threw my back out’. Usually, there is a shooting pain in the back and an inability or great difficulty to get upright from a bend over position.

The cause of acute low back pain

The direct cause of non-specific low back pain is often hard to identify. This is due to the complicated coordination between many muscles, joints and ligaments. It tends to occur mostly when lifting, bending, twisting or getting up from a chair. There are many factors that play a role in developing low back pain.

The symptoms of acute low back pain

The type of pain can vary greatly. During the first few days it tends to be grabbing when trying to move. In rest the pain is often described as a dull ache. The lower back can be stiff and the pain can radiate to the gluteal area or the back of the thighs.

Recovery of acute low back pain

Acute low back pain tends to recover relatively quickly. Most people experience (near) full recovery within the first six weeks. After the first week, the pain tends to ease and movements are less restricted. 

If the pain does not ease within the first three weeks, natural recovery is compromised in some way. The physiotherapist can help identify if there are factors delaying your recovery.

The treatment of acute low back pain

Movement is the best remedy for low back pain. In the acute phase when the back is very painful (highly reactive) there is a big difference between moving and loading. With loading we mean lifting, bending down or carrying things. Loading will aggravate the symptoms in this phase while moving will ease them. Movement will help direct blood flow to the injured area allowing the body to recover. Beside exercises, the physiotherapist can use manual techniques to reduce stiffness and optimize function of the spine. 


Acute low back pain, lumbage, sciatica, non-specific low back pain, lumbar pain, severe back pain, slipped disc 


If you have any questions regarding the exercises, doubt if you are doing them correctly or aren’t sure they are suited for your condition, please contact your physiotherapist for support. 


Yourbody.coach offers a range of exercises. Yourbody.coach can not be held responsible if you develop injuries. Always consult your physiotherapist or specialist.